6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

VUU Committees

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

VUU Committees: Service is Our Prayer

VUU committees serve a number of purposes to meet the broad-ranging needs of the congregation. Some address spiritual or faith-based aspects while others provide a foundation for the operation of a vibrant community.  Some are led by paid staff, others by VUU members. Some are elected positions, others are volunteer. All are an opportunity to bring your unique skills and interests to VUU.

Faith-based Committees

Faith Formation 

Programs for children informed by UU theological values.
Contact: Marci Beaudoin faithform@vuu.org

Music Ministry

Contact: Katie Seiferth musicdirector@vuu.org

Lay Pastoral Care 

Contact: pastoralcare@vuu.org

Worship Associates

Contact: Barbara Face Barbara.face@gmail.com

Operational Committees

Leadership Development

Contact: Lee Laskowski LeadershipDevelopment@vuu.org


Contact: DeeAnne McClenahan deeannemcc@gmail.com


Contact: Linda Horton lindahorto@cs.com

Special Funds

Contact: Joel Sannes joelsannes@gmail.com


Contact: Anne Schneider anne.schneider@asu.edu

Tech Team

Contact: Libby Bean elizabean1964@gmail.com

Ministerial Search


Connection Circles

Thirteen Connection Circles meet twice a month for small group connection. Members, friends and visitors are welcome. CC’s are a great way to meet new friends and develop deeper connections to some you already know. 
Contact: DeeAnne McClenahan deeannemcc@gmail.com