6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

Search Update

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

Search Update

Ministerial Search Update: 

The Search Committee held 21 Cottage Meetings over the past couple months. Thank you to all who took time to share feedback in these sessions and to learn more about our process in search for a new settled minister. We met with many groups that have been regularly meeting for many years – mostly over Zoom. It was our hope that the familiarity of these groups would be a comfort to participants, and indeed it did seem to encourage very open communication and discussion. The MSC then held three more “open to all” Cottage meetings, to ensure everyone had opportunities to voice their thoughts and concerns. 

At each meeting, led by a member of the MSC, we shared the search timeline and reviewed the search process. In all over 150 people, representing almost half the congregation, participated in at least one of these sessions. 

Thank you for your active involvement in this search!

It is clear that everyone is engaged and excited about this process as our committee. The great discussions and input have helped form the formal congregational search packet that we are required to submit to the UUA for ministers to look over when deciding if they’d like to apply to serve our congregation. 

We’d also like to thank everyone who has been working so diligently to update our website with information about the many activities and programs. This is another area that prospective ministers will look at when learning more about us and what kind of work we do in our community and world. 

Watch this space for the next update on this process.