6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

VUU Choirs

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

We have three adult choirs, a children’s choir and an ensemble you can join! 

VUU Voices Choir

Join The VUU Voices Choir who rehearse Wednesdays in the Sanctuary from 6-7:30 pm from September to May with additional opportunities in the summer. You’ll sing for Sunday services about twice a
month, in addition to special events and sing mostly 4-part music in a variety of styles. You do not need to audition nor read sheet music. We simply ask that you love to sing and can commit to attending the rehearsals and performances. 

1-Hour Family Choir

Join The 1-Hour Family Choir who rehearse the first Sunday of the month, in the Sanctuary from 9-10 am and perform for the service at 10:30. You’ll have the flexibility to sing when you can, singing harmonies that touch on all genres of music. No auditions are necessary, but a love of singing is.  All ages are welcome – join with your whole family! 

Pandemic Video Choirs

To stop the spread of COVID-19 our musical groups met online and worked to create videos to share with our community when it wasn’t safe to sing in-person. Check out some of our music!