6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

In the Meantime,

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

In the Meantime,

As I finish a week of candidating with VUU, I want to share what an honor it has been to hear so many of your stories about this congregation and what it means to you.  So many of you are and have been engaged in the life of this community and in guiding this community to live its values.  This is clear to me in how you manage the operational aspects of this congregation as well as the many ways you create enriching worship, care for one another, engage conversations and faith formation activities for all ages, and in your social service endeavors and endeavors to create a more just community and world.  I have enjoyed exploring the area, including some morning hikes at South Mountain and walking in other area parks.  My family enjoyed visiting the area a couple of weeks ago to make some personal inroads around schools, employment for my spouse John, and connections with One*n*Ten as well as some youth from VUU for my middle schooler, Sol, and to begin our search for housing and other needs. Your Ministerial Search Team has been especially generous in their planning and in making arrangements to ensure I meet so many of you and have some time to learn about all aspects of congregational life with VUU.  I know they have learned a lot from this process, even when they thought they knew everything there was to know about UU ministry!  (I have, too). I am so grateful to be your Candidate for Ministry and for this opportunity to deepen our conversation about the shared future and the ministry we may engage together.  I look forward to the results of your Congregational Meeting and planning the next steps on this journey to shared ministry!

In gratitude,

Rev. Sarah