MSC March Update

March 8, 2022
Dear VUU Members and Friends,
The VUU Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) is excited to tell you that as we enter the final
stages of our search for VUU’s next settled minister, we are feeling very positive and believe we
are close to a successful outcome of the two year search process.
2021-2022 was a more difficult time than in earlier years to be in search, primarily due to the
Covid-19 pandemic’s effects on all UU Congregations. We want you to know that the Search
Committee would not have been willing to “settle” for a candidate who did not seem to be a
good fit just to make sure we had a minister.
We have completed the process of reviewing ministerial candidates and are confident our
search will conclude successfully. Of course, until an offer is made (March 31), a contract
negotiated, Candidating Week successfully completed, AND the Congregational Vote, there are
no guarantees. The soonest we will be able to communicate anything concrete to the VUU
Congregation is April 3. These dates are set by the UUA Transitions Office and must be honored
by the VUU Ministerial Search Committee.
Once our offer to a candidate is accepted, we will be able to move forward to Candidating Week
(April 23-May 1) and the Congregational Vote (May 1st). Stay tuned to the weekly VUU
Happenings and our MSC webpage on the VUU website for ways the entire
congregation will be involved in these final stages of the search.
Thank you for your patience and your trust.
The VUU Ministerial Search Committee
Carl Anderson
Janice Miller
Barb Quijada
Mary Rothschild
Chris Sar
David Sheh