Desert Notes August 22, 2024

Last weekend our service focused on what it means to do interim work together and what liminal time offers us. If you missed it, take some time to go back and listen. Adjusting our expectations and learning together, taking risks and discerning together–these are the hallmarks of a productive interim period. The ideas, commitments and changes that emerge from this interim period will help us orient ourselves and this congregation toward a shared future. Deep listening, patience, and curiosity are the tools of this work.
This week I attended a training with AZCEND offered by the Piper Charitable Trust that focused on building the capacity of non-profit boards to lead their organizations effectively, including developing resources that will sustain and invigorate their work. This workshop gave me insights that are valuable to me as a board member for AZCEND and also as the executive leader for VUU. I look forward to sharing my learning with our board and other leaders at VUU.
We have hired a team to clean some of our shared spaces, and they have cleaned for us twice now. Our floors in the Sanctuary have sustained quite a few marks that are difficult to remove and may need a team of volunteers to spend some time applying special cleaning agents to remove. As we move into a busier time of sharing spaces, please remember to schedule after service events in the sanctuary to begin after the coffee hour–12:15–and plan for clean up and a proper close up of the space. If you need help with what is entailed, please check in with Nick Carr to make sure you’re prepared.