Sunday, May 1, 2022
VUU Sanctuary and Live via Zoom
The VUU Board of Trustees is pleased to announce a special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 1, 2022, after the Service, for the purpose of calling a Senior Minister. A secondary purpose is to approve changes to the VUU Bylaws regarding electronic voting. The voting will take place using electronic means (Survey Monkey or similar) with a backup of physical paper ballots as needed. Further details will be sent out by the Leadership Development Committee and the Ministerial Search Committee , as the system is developed and tested.
We encourage in-person attendance in the Sanctuary for this exciting event. Please bring your phone or personal device so that you can receive the invitation for electronic voting (VUU members only, at the Email address on file with the VUU Administrator). Also, please consider bringing a dish for the Potluck reception after the meeting. Those unable to attend in person will still be able to participate via Zoom and electronic voting.
The VUU Board of Trustees wishes to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the process that has resulted in this special Congregational Meeting to Call a Minister, with special thanks to members of the Ministerial Search Committee and the Leadership Development Committee.
If you have any questions, please send them to Todd at
The meeting Agenda is shown below.
Signed with Best Regards,
Tom Briggs, Secretary, VUU Board of Trustees
VUU Congregational Meeting to Call a Minister
May 1, 2022
- Call to Order: President, Mary Wolf-Francis
- Opening Devotional: (lighting of the chalice) Worship Associate.
- Establish a Quorum: (20% of membership or 60 voters) LDC (Lee)
- Entertain a Motion to change the VUU by-laws regarding electronic voting: (must be approved by a 2/3 majority of members present) Mary
- Overview of proposed changes (David)
- Vote
- Announce Results
- Entertain a Motion to Call Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan as VUU’s Senior Minister: (must be approved by a 90% majority of members present): (Barb Quijada) Mary
- MSC presentation (Janice)
- Q&A
- Vote
- Announce results
- Entertain a Motion to approve Rev. Sarah’s contract: (must be approved by a 50% +1 majority of members present) Mary
- MSC presentation (Janice)
- Q&A
- Vote
- Announce results
- Announcement of results to Rev. Sarah-Oglesby-Dunegan (waiting off-site)
- Official Signing of Contract (if Rev. Sarah desires to sign immediately)
- Closing Devotional: (extinguish the chalice) Worship Associate
- Adjournment Mary
- Potluck All