Desert Notes
Welcome to Camp VUU!
Yesterday night we met at Temple Emanuel in Tempe with members of their congregation and members of Desert Palm UCC to engage in a program called Sacred Earth, Common Ground. We connected with each other through sharing stories of when we encountered the sacred in our connections with the earth and mother nature. In addition we shared beautiful photography, our own VUU members singing Blue Boat Home, and got to hear the stories of young people who gathered with from the Temple middle school class. It was a moving experience, and reminded me that there are many other people who share our commitment to earthcare and climate justice, whose own faith traditions and experiences ground them in the importance of this work. Thanks to Sandy Whitley and Denise McLeod for helping organize this event and to all those who were able to join us (nearly 70 people all told!)!
Saturday we held the second of two sessions for new participants, and 10 people joined the congregation. We look forward to celebrating their commitment to be members and introducing them to you as new members! We had 16 people attend these classes, and will be holding our next New Member Welcome Luncheon on February 25 from 11-1 in Classrooms 1&2. We will also hold a new member ceremony on February 12 as part of the Sunday service (hopefully in the newly renovated sanctuary!) Let me know if you’ve joined in the last year and want to be recognized! A new session of Part I/II of our class will take place in March and April. Watch for details in future Happenings! (Here’s the plan though: 9:30-11:30 March 4 and April 1 for a VUU New Participant Class; Saturday May 20 in classroom 1&2 from 11-1 New participant Luncheon; June 3 9-1 Board Room New Participant Class, both sessions, in Classroom 1&2). We are looking forward to helping each of you find your starting point at VUU!
I did make it back to the office this week after having COVID, but as you can imagine I am a little behind in my planning and activities. I am catching up! Thanks for offering me grace and space as I catch up. It was a great learning experience to be the one online for both our class on Saturday and Sunday service and I am looking forward to being back in the sanctuary, with all of the current renovations. Camp VUU has taught us a lot! I am still scheduling 1:1 sessions with folks who would like to share with me your VUU story and share with me your hopes, concerns and needs.
In Gratitude, Rev. Sarah