Desert Notes May 9, 2024

There’s a lot going at VUU!
- If you missed last week’s worship that included deep sharing around our learning with Rev. Sam, I encourage you to watch the video and also to check out the recording of the congregational conversation. Important information about next year’s budget, pledging, and other topics like bylaws changes were covered. We engaged difficult conversations and passionate perspectives with respect and care. A new VUU participant told me they experienced these as deeply authentic and meaningful. I hope this is the case for you.
- You’ll be getting specific updates from the board/finance team on budget, but the good news is that lots of people have increased their pledges and have made new pledges. The needle is moving. If you want to make or change a pledge, you can do this online. Thanks so much to everyone who is able to do this. I am working with the board to change the priorities for refunding the budget to center faith formation.
- We know not everyone has the same resources or circumstances–we are grateful for everyone that is part of this community and the many ways you gift us with your presence and participation. Stewardship is more than money.
- Some folks met with me last Friday to talk about concerns they have. I am always willing to be in conversation with you. Sometimes I ask others to join us to help us create a container that will hold difficult conversations. I am out of town this Friday through next Thursday (May 10-16) for my daughter’s college graduation. Email me if you want to get on my schedule.
- There’s still a few spots in our TCC process with Rev. Sam to work through music program conflicts. You can learn more or register here.
- Going away party and last worship with Marci is May 19. There’ll be a photo booth, fun activities for kids (and adults), refreshments, gifts, some crying, lots of hugs, and lots of chances to say goodbye. Don’t miss it! We’ll also be bridging our seniors.
I hope a takeaway for you is that we can have hard conversations and share what’s on our minds and in our hearts–and when we listen to each other we have the opportunity to be changed, to see things differently, even if we still disagree. Agreement isn’t a requirement for belonging or respect.
Catch you on the flip side…. Rev. Sarah