Desert Notes February 22, 2024

Housing Press Conference VIP/Capitol:Last week I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a press conference at the state capital with Valley Interfaith Project as we advocated for a bill called “Yes in God’s Backyard” or YIGBY, which is an opportunity for faith communities to use land they own to create deed restricted and publicly available affordable housing. This bill enjoyed bipartisan support and went to the appropriations committee this Monday, where it passed out of committee to be discussed on the floor of the House and hopefully the Senate. We cannot do this work alone–we had four Bishops from different denominations, a rabbi, and many clergy present as well as others from our congregations. The message was that access to affordable housing is a moral issue which calls us to act together to insure this important resource in our community–and faith communities are willing to do their part. I was excited to participate and see the progress of this work! |
Azcend Eggs Benefit:Nine VUU’ers joined me at the Azcend annual Eggs Benefit program in Gilbert to learn more about their work beyond the IHELP program we support. I was grateful to share that time together and see how our financial and volunteer support makes a difference everyday for our neighbors in need. As a board member for Azcend, I was proud to have a full table and to watch our elected officials walk by and notice some of the same folks who have been to council meetings and advocated for needs in our community (like affordable housing!) at our table. We may be a small denomination with fewer congregations, but our commitment to change and opportunity in our community is visible and powerful. Thanks for joining me! |
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Stewardship:Th VUU Board of Trustees and I are asking folks to continue their pledges from last year as we prepare an aspirational budget and enter a pledge drive in March beginning with an intergenerational service called “Stone Soup” and finishing at the end of March on Easter with a pancake breakfast and service. During that month, I will be releasing videos about VUU and the ministries and programs we are engaging this year that need your continued support. We’ve just had a successful annual FUUnd auction raising more than $20,000! Plan to join us in March and consider increasing your pledge to support the transformational work being done every week here at VUU! |